August 30, 2008

Peter Frost Expresses Himself

Now recognizes the true face of so-called "anti-racism."

From his blog, emphasis added:

Peter Frost said...
I used to consider myself an anti-racist. I even once sat on the board of directors of an anti-racist organization. Today,
I have trouble recognizing myself in what this belief-system has become.

Why did I identify with anti-racism? I saw it as a means to defend non-European peoples who had become politically and demographically marginalized, often to the brink of extinction. This was, and still is, the case with Canada’s First Nations, but it’s also the case with many other peoples, including some that are oppressed by governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As an anthropologist in particular, I saw anti-racism as a moral duty.

I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. But I do believe that ideologies can be exploited to serve new ends. In this case, anti-racism has gradually become an instrument of political disenfranchisement and demographic replacement – in a word, the very thing it used to combat.

This gradual change has turned what was once an ideology of the Left into an ideology of the Right. Anti-racism now serves the interests of a corporate globalist elite for whom the free flow of labor dovetails with their belief in the free flow of capital and trade.
For these people, it doesn’t matter that their ideology will destroy long-existing cultures and populations. They don’t even feel guilty about what they’re doing. Anti-racism gives them a clean conscience.

Well, I'm glad that Frost has wised up, but it is still hard to believe that an educated man such as himself - one that has exhibited some ability for independent thinking - was so naive to believe that "ant-racism" was ever anything other than "an instrument of political disenfranchisement and demographic replacement" wielded against European-derived peoples.

When are other anthropologists going to understand the need for Euro-preservationism?

Question for Frost: are you familiar with the work of Frank Salter?

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